Solving Special Problems

When it comes to complex problems with house heating and air conditioning systems, we’ve seen it all. Our skilled professionals can probably assist you if you’re facing a challenging problem.


Kool Kap

Do not let any leaves touch your outside unit.

A Kool Kap can shield your air conditioner all year round. The condensing unit of your air conditioner is exposed to the sun, rain, snow, ice, leaves, dirt, twigs, and other debris every day. The water, snow, and ice that gathers in the bottom of your condensing unit is trapped by this material. Your system suffers damage as a result of all this stored moisture rusting and corroding early. Your condensing unit will operate at peak efficiency and save you money on your power costs if you maintain it clean. Once fitted, a Kool Kap requires no more maintenance. Put the Kool Kap on your condenser, let it function, and then set it aside for the entire year.

Ceiling Saver Kit

Defend your home against unforeseen “flash floods”

An air conditioner’s primary purpose is to dehumidify the air in order to produce a comfortable environment in addition to cooling the air. The dehumidified air’s water release is subsequently drained off. If your air conditioning unit is in your attic, this may cause significant issues. Condensation from your air conditioner will spill over onto your ceiling if your drain ever clogs. If your ceiling is a cathedral ceiling, it can cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars to repair or replace it. We provide a ceiling saver kit as a result.

The ceiling saver kit prevents leaks by collecting any potential leaks in a specially made pan with a separate drain pipe. What happens if the backup drain becomes blocked? We are prepared for it. As part of our ceiling saving system, we also install a safety switch that will turn off your air conditioner immediately, preventing the risk of any further condensation. You will then notice that your air conditioner isn’t functioning and call our company for service so we can fix the issue without ever letting a drop of water fall onto your ceiling.

Condensate Pump

Eliminate the annoyance of unsightly hoses or pipes crossing the floor.

High efficiency furnaces, evaporator coils for air conditioning, and flow-through humidifiers are all sources of condensation or wastewater. A condensate pump is used to transfer this wastewater to a proper drain.

Hard Start Kit

A hard start kit is intended to aid in the startup of your compressor. You probably need a hard start kit to help your compressor start up if your indoor air conditioning coil is more than 50 feet away from your outside condensing unit. You see, your air conditioner circulates the refrigerant through your system like a pump. The less efficiently the pump operates and the higher the likelihood that it may malfunction. When your air conditioner initially starts up and has to start the pumping process, that’s when it needs aid the most from a hard start kit. A hard start kit can help you save money by extending the life of your compressor and avoiding the costly expense of repair or replacement.

Protective Remote Monitoring Devices

protects and keeps an eye on your house while you’re away.

Make use of technology to simplify your life. Today, we have devices that can keep an eye on your HVAC system around-the-clock, 365 days a year. For persons who frequently travel or for vacation homes, these systems are ideal.

Surge Suppressors & Lightning Arrestors

Protect your equipment.

Utility companies frequently reduce their power production during the humid summer months when electrical power is in high demand. Usually, this is referred to as a brown out. Your appliances, particularly your air conditioner, may sustain permanent damage in the event of a brownout or power outage. Each appliance has a specific power requirement in order to function. Your appliances will still operate if the power level is reduced, but they will have to work harder.

All of your electrical gadgets could be harmed or destroyed by a lightning strike on your house. With a dedicated lightning arrestor connected to your home’s electrical panel, you can safeguard all of your electrical equipment, including your air conditioner, computer, refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, stereo, and televisions, by having one installed in your breaker box. If lightning ever strikes your house, you may potentially save thousands of dollars by using this straightforward, low-cost technology.

Time Delay Relay

A time delay relay prevents your device from being turned on and off frequently (short-cycling), which delays the premature wear and tear of your device. Families with kids who like to mess with the thermostat will find a time delay relay to be the ideal addition. You cannot burn out your compressor no matter how frequently you adjust the settings on the heat/cool switch or the fan on/auto switch. This is due to the fact that the time delay relay won’t activate your system for 3 to 5 minutes following the last thermostat adjustment.

Easy-to-See Thermostats

The greatest thermostat design is the one that is simple to notice, yet few people are aware of it. They function the same way and are just as simple to use as a typical thermostat. Those with vision impairments can readily read the very big raised numerals on a visible thermostat. Turning the dial to change the temperature causes an audible click to be heard at each degree point. To help people with arthritis, a large clear dial cover is an optional extra.


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Aurora, IL 60503


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